Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hi There

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to all out in the blogosphere. It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks for me. I'm proud and excited to announce that my son, Michael was born on December 26. He was a happy and healthy 7lb 2oz baby boy and continues to grow and amaze me every day. Mom and baby are both home and healthy, and I really couldn't ask for anything more. I hope your holidays were just as amazing!

My thoughts today revolve around spiritual and religious expression. How do you express your faith? I've never been one to wear my faith on my sleeve but I get the impression that people still know i"m a faithful person. Any time I mention that I work at a church when hanging out at any more secular establishment (read: the Pub) it's nearly inevitable that a religious type conversation strikes up.

I don't have a problem with that, but it has occurred to me that I've done more church at a bar than I have at church. This brings me to my brainstorming about expressing our faith. Some people find it very personal, but i believe that being in community with other believers is how we grow and how our  faith is informed. So what is your way? Can you find real church and real expressions of faith in completely secular settings? Let me know friends. How do you express yourself as faithful people grounded in the real world?

Cheers, Mike!

1 comment:

  1. I believe you can find "church" wherever and whenever because church isn't a place to go but a way to be ("be the church.")...

    However, I do believe that to call one's self a Jesus-follower automatically entails being part of a sacramental community with others who seek to follow Christ.

    There's no such thing as a "lone Christian."
